Noise Management


We specialise in noise from sound systems, from concerts and festivals, to sports stadiums, venues, night clubs and bars and pubs.

  • We produce comprehensive Noise Management Plans.

  • We tactfully and conscientiously deal with noise complaints.

  • We produce detailed noise maps of the area.

  • We can advise on acoustic treatment.

  • We design sound systems and stage layouts to achieve the best results for the audience and neighbours.

  • We employ active noise management at concerts and festivals.

  • We can set up “traffic light” warning systems so that you know when you are in trouble.

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Audio Engineer have been involved in noise management for over 15 years and have assisted pubs in Hoxton, sports stadiums, concert venues and festivals.

We will liaise with the local authorities throughout the process and compile comprehensive reports in addition to the noise management plan.

Audio Engineer don’t just restrict the noise level from a venue or outside event by turning the volume down, we concentrate on reducing unwanted spill whilst giving the audience the required sound level. This is achieved by designing bespoke sound system configurations that direct the sound
to the audience area only and by utilising noise management software to control certain frequencies.

Several of the leading PA manufacturers now utilise FIR sound steering technology to focus sound onto the audience, cancel it going backwards or to the side, or even create “strong avoid” sections where the sound is reduced using advanced FIR filter technology. We are happy to use all of these technologies in our plans and can work with your existing supplier to optimise the results.

Once these plans and predictions are produced, the next stage is active noise management of the event itself. Active noise monitoring locations can be sited reporting back to a central monitoring
station. This combined with monitoring points at each sound system means we can adjust for differing atmospheric conditions during the event as well as achieving maximum enjoyment for the audience whilst knowing that your event is safe. In addition we can place “traffic light” monitoring systems at control points so that sound engineers know when they are within safe levels or if they
are approaching the maximum.


This holistic approach to noise management gives much better results than simply turning the volume down and allows satisfaction for both the audience and the council’s environmental officers.

A full report will be created at the end of your event that will include the sound levels throughout the day, any complaints received and the subsequent actions that were taken.